Strona główna Bielawa „Pomóżmy dzieciom w Mali iść do szkoły!” – koncert charytatywny

„Pomóżmy dzieciom w Mali iść do szkoły!” – koncert charytatywny


Dyrekcja, grono pedagogiczne i uczniowie Szkoły Podstawowej nr 10 z Oddziałami Sportowymi w Bielawie zapraszają na koncert „POMÓŻMY DZIECIOM W MALI IŚĆ DO SZKOŁY”, połączony ze zbiórką funduszy na cele charytatywne dla UNICEF. Wydarzenie odbędzie się 31 marca o godzinie 16.30 w kinoteatrze MOKIS w Bielawie.

Post-war reconstruction efforts should begin with the education system. At the Alpha Moya school in Timbuktu, learning conditions are precarious. Following the crisis, one of the first steps in the ‘Back to School’ campaign is fitting schools out with furniture and equipment. The approach aims to improve children’s day-to-day lives whilst reviving the local economy in a region that has been severely affected by the conflict.  Here, Aïssata Fondo (10) on the left and Maïmouna Cissé (10) on the right are pictured with their UNICEF school bags at the Alpha Moya school in Timbuctu.  The Timbuctu region is situated about 1050 km from the capital Bamako and is the 6th and largest region of Mali.
Post-war reconstruction efforts should begin with the education system. At the Alpha Moya school in Timbuktu, learning conditions are precarious. Following the crisis, one of the first steps in the ‘Back to School’ campaign is fitting schools out with furniture and equipment. The approach aims to improve children’s day-to-day lives whilst reviving the local economy in a region that has been severely affected by the conflict.
Here, Aïssata Fondo (10) on the left and Maïmouna Cissé (10) on the right are pictured with their UNICEF school bags at the Alpha Moya school in Timbuctu.
The Timbuctu region is situated about 1050 km from the capital Bamako and is the 6th and largest region of Mali.

Program koncertu:

1. Występy uczniów – laureatów prestiżowych konkursów
2. Kiermasz książek wykonanych przez uczniów
3. Kiermasz używanej książki
4. Aukcja bonów – niespodzianek

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